TP8 – New 3d-transition metal-based materials for efficient anodic electrocatalysis

Electrochemical production of hydrogen through water electrolysis is hindered by the high overpotentials associated with the anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Thus, instead of oxygen, formation of oxidized chemicals of added value is considered in this Research Unit. Replacement of the OER by suitable alternative oxidation reactions may improve the efficiency of hydrogen evolution at the cathode, but requires new and dedicated electrocatalysts. The oxidation of more complex molecules, like ethanol, glycerol, or 5‑(hydroxymethyl)furfural (HMF), can lead to different reaction products, and thus selectivity becomes a particular challenge in addition to activity and stability. In this project, we will develop and study new non-noble electrocatalyst based on 3d mixed transition metal hydroxy-carbonates in the above-mentioned model oxidation reactions in basic aqueous electrolyte. The composition will be systematically varied within an isomorphous substitution series based on M2(CO₃)(OH)₂ with M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu. The study includes binary and the most promising ternary combinations. The aim is not only to decrease the overpotential, but also to induce the selective and stable formation of the desired products. Together with other groups of the UNODE Research Unit, the effect of composition on selectivity will be studied systematically and the reaction mechanism will be addressed for selected materials.

Behrens, Malte, Prof. Dr., born 28.01.1977, German; BE 4767
Prof. Dr. Malte Behrens
Institue of Inorganic Chemistry 
Max-Eyth-Straße 2
24118 Kiel, Germany Tel.: +49 (0)431-880-2410